More than 35,000 people have experienced dramatic and positive results.

My week was interesting. I went from being a snack junkie to not wanting anything between my meals. Pop was a major problem for me as well. That was my water. The first day of the program, I was a miserable wreck. I itched like a coke addict who didn't get their drugs because of me not going to work with snacks but instead of breaking my commitment, I logged into Facebook and watched what others were doing for their day and that inspired me. I read people’s stories and wanted health for myself. I wanted more. I wanted to look and feel better about myself. After doing this the first week I have lost 8 pounds( pop and snack lbs), my feet don't swell anymore because I drink lots more water instead of my sweet drinks and I eat lots more greens and I exercise. I am super proud of myself and looking forward to more achievements.
Melissa Flavius

My family and I had been struggling with being obese. We tried repeatedly to get healthier but would always quit after a few days. Diabetes and heart disease has caused us to lose so many members of our family and we began to feel hopeless. We decided to join GetFit21 because we wanted to try having a coach. We found the idea of sticking to a plan for only 21 days was something we could commit to. Through the coaching, education and encouragement of the group we actually finished our first GetFit21 program! Having a team behind us, pushed us to support one another and we each achieved positive results. I personally lost 7 pounds and 7 inches. I gained confidence, positivity, energy, and closeness with my family! We now share healthy meals, hikes and other fun outdoor activities that keep us invigorated, inspired and constantly getting healthier!
Juanita Hales

This program has given me a totally different outlook on life. After 21 days on the GETFIT 21 program, I am happy to say that I have lost 13.8 pounds and 14 overall inches. I am 55 years old and raising 5 grandchildren. I have more energy and I look forward to my daily 2-3 mile walk. I have eliminated one of my diabetes medicines. I want to be healthier and more active so I can do more things with my grandkids. I will repeat the program because I want to continue this journey, enjoying my new healthy lifestyle with the great support of the coaches!
Mary Lou Robinson-Storr

I have a 5 yr old granddaughter and a grandson on the way and I knew I needed to do something to get the energy I need to keep up with them! I have had little energy for years including brain fog, restless nights, never waking rested. I would need to nap twice a day. Last year I was I was put on diabetic medications. This program has done wonders for me! It is the most doable program I have ever done! The shakes are delicious! I actually crave them! LOL! I feel sooooo much better! Within a couple of sessions, I realized I didn’t have my brain fog anymore, I was sleeping so much better and woke up rested! I used to wake up stiff and achy but not anymore! I have lost about 15lbs. My family has all commented on how I’m up early in the morning without toothpicks to keep my eyes open! LOL! My doctor took me off most of my diabetes medication. She said my recent blood work was perfect! I have friends who have joined this program because they saw what this program did for me. They said I was an inspiration! LOL! I’ve never heard that before! Boy did that make me happy! Getfit21 is so much fun. You meet so many people and get so many meal and exercise ideas. It keeps me accountable and it works! Try it you will love it too!
Andrea Van Tassel

When you can’t bend over to tie your shoes, get winded climbing a few stairs and your daily shower is a workout, it’s time for change! It takes commitment to make changes but with the GetFit21 program I’m changing from the inside out! I’m learning to listen to my body and make healthy choices after 59 years of unhealthy habits! I’ve gone from walking from the fridge to the couch to doing at least an average of 15,000 steps, 2-3 miles per day. Thanks to this amazing program I’ve lost 82lbs. and 37 1/2” in 5 months and I have my life back! Thank you GetFit21!
Sherry Hooper

I have worked in a medical facility for 25 years and have witnessed the chronic diseases patients suffer with due to years of unhealthy lifestyle choices. My desire to help people prevent these issues led me to the GetFit21program. The fact that many physicians are recommending the program to their patients and that so many of the supplements offered are in the Physicians Desk Reference really impressed me. I was surprised how simple the program is to follow and delighted that I lost 25 pounds, reaching my goal weight easily. I decided to become a Certified GetFit21 Coach. I am honored to collaborate with this company and help so many of my friends discover how wonderful it feels to be healthy, lose weight and get off their diabetes medications! What really shocked me was how the supportive GetFit21 community of coaches and clients helped me go through a traumatic time in my life. During the Covid-19 pandemic I was forcibly separated from my husband because I live in Canada and he lives just over the border in the US. The border lockdown was emotionally challenging for us. With improved nutrition and a renewed desire to exercise I found my outlook becoming so positive that I could not keep this a secret from my friends and clients. I am so grateful to this program for helping me to fulfill my dreams of truly helping people transform their health, their hope and their lives!
Jonelle Prescott

My husband and I love the GetFit21 program! We have lost 25 pounds each since starting to work with the program, and we both feel incredibly excited about our commitment to stay fit. GetFit21 was what we needed to make the shift to a healthier, more active lifestyle that we’ve enjoyed for more than 2 years! Time flies when you’re feeling good.
Carolee Laffoon and Ace Palacio

After 21 days I lost 10lbs and 22.6 inches. I’m enjoying a new way of eating; learning what my body needs, I feel great! Before the start of the program I purchased a few pairs of pants that I was unable to fit comfortably until last week. I was amazed at how comfortable they fit to the extent I need to now wear a belt!! I lost the urge to snack! That was big for me!
Alfreida Edelen

I'm a retired teamster truck driver and a type 2 diabetic. My sugar levels were too high along with my blood pressure and cholesterol. My doctor told me I had to make a change. I started taking Balance and joined my first Getfit21 program. I lost 18 pounds and 12.5 inches. I felt better than I had in a long time, more energy and a positive attitude. I decided to continue with GetFit21 and Balance. I went to the doctor for my 3 month check. He was ecstatic! He said in all his years of practice he hadn't ever seen someone's numbers change so fast. He said it’s very rare that I get to do this but I am taking away one of your diabetes pills. I lost 36lb‘s and 27 inches! I love this program! I love how I feel now. I bought some size 38 jeans. It’s been 15 years since I was able to fit in that size! GetFit21 has changed my life! GetFit21 Works!
Mark C

You know how you feel when something is right for you? That is how GetFit21 fits me. I have been heavy most of my life and have tried all popular diets throughout my 70 years, but nothing seemed to click for me. What I didn't realize was that I needed to change my lifestyle and form healthy habits, not diet. On the 2 nd day when I got out of bed, I suddenly realized that I didn't experience my usual aches and pains and I had no craving for sugar or in between meal snacking. The pounds and inches seem to fall off easily. I saw my doctor a week ago and he was impressed with my progress and heartily recommended that I continue on this course.
Angie Viar

In the past I have tried so many “diets” and failed. My cardiologist referred me to GetFit21. I am amazed!!!! I have seen reduction in weight and inches and I feel slimmer and healthier. It’s a lifestyle that I can easily maintain and enjoy unlike some of the things I have tried before.
Debbie Dufour

After 2 sessions of GetFit21 I met my goal of losing 10 pounds. I am 50 years old and I weigh what I weighed 6 years ago. I am excited to have found a program that is a lifestyle change that is fun and sustainable with my hectic, busy, wonderful life. My husband has lost the 20 pounds he has gained after his retirement from the Army. I'm excited to be able to share this with him and have us continue on this path of health…aging awesomely together!
DeeAnn and Yany Rivera

I had tried for 2 to 3 years to lose 10 pounds. As a breast cancer survivor, I take tamoxifen and I had just settled for the fact that I would never lose 10 pounds. But, because this program works, I lost weight and inches steadily! My clothes fit better and I have so much more self-confidence! I’ve done multiple 21 day cycles consecutively. Having faced cancer, I KNOW the value of good health. Everyone should embrace this program to help prevent disease and take to control of their health!
Donna Vazquez

In 21 days, I went from 222 to 211, 11lbs lost and 5 1/2 inches!!!! I feel amazing and want to keep on this amazing journey
Tammy Johnson

This feeling is amazing!!!! …to be able to lose weight, and losing it in a way where it will stay off is incredible!!! With each 21 day program, I have been able to lose a little more each time and I feel more confident that I can do this!!!! I may not be where I want to be yet, but I see myself getting closer and closer to my goal each week!! Thank you so much to my coaches!! If it was not for you giving me the guidance, and mentoring I would still be lost to this day. I love and appreciate all of you; coaches and participants. This round of GetFit21 was the best one to me so far. It is not just because of the results, but because I felt more connected to everyone during this round. I hope to see you guys in next one.
Janessa Dorsey

I am most proud of implementing exercise in my life and coming to the belief that I can enjoy food without the unhealthy choices of the past. Starting at the weight of 195, three weeks later I was weighing 188. That is a 7 pound loss and a total of 15 inches of fat! I am so proud and I am participating in the next GetFit21 session. I have only just begun. Thank you coaches and participants. I could not have done it without you all. We are better together!
Pamela Chambers
Our diet-obsessed culture...
Promotes one fad after another, leaving us feeling confused about what to eat and how to become physically active. GetFit21 is a proven approach, one that combines science-based education, daily coach interaction, and a supportive community. This program empowers you to step
into a healthy lifestyle.

A Healthy Mindset
We are surrounded by a world of ingrained bad habits, addictive behaviors and unhealthy food choices.
Our objective is to help you develop a new mindset about health, wellness and healing. We believe a healthy lifestyle promotes appropriate nutrients for optimal brain function, stress management and good sleep patterns. We’re here to support you in creating and following a positive lifestyle plan.
A healthy body starts with the right mindset.
Simple Education
Educating you is a primary objective. Included in your program are simple, downloadable guidebooks educating you on health, weight loss, exercise, recipes and food choices.

Proven … 21 Days to Make or Break a Habit
It’s long been reported by researchers that it takes 21 days for a person to make or break a new habit if they put forth a daily and consistent effort. We embrace this theory because we witness impressive results every 21 days with the GetFit 21 program. When you improve your habits,
you improve your health.
For 3 decades, our team of scientists, professors and wellness professionals have consistently worked to stay progressive and evolve the science behind their products and programs. They use research and innovation to empower people with education, support and supplements, to take responsibility for their health and quality of life. Serving 50 countries, we are making life better all around the world.